Sponsor a Learner

Touching a learner’s life…Together!

Here at Inspired Learning: Booked for Success, We believe that a single action can make a difference in the lives of our learners, in our community, and that our collective action can greatly impact the future for every learner.  We want to be a catalyst for positive change, and since our beginnings in 2019, we’ve been driven by the same ideas we initially founded for our Non-Profit Organization:

Support empowerment and a learning space within the lives of our community.

IL remains honored to have served 1,136.15 Pro-Bono hours within our community. 

Quick Giving Sponsorship of a Learner:

If you would rather choose a variable amount please use the following button:

Inspired Learning is a Non-Profit Tutoring service in a small community. As retired teachers, community volunteers, and bookshop associates… our goal is to provide services to all learners, in which no learner will be turned away because of finances.

Together we are growing life-long learners!
IL is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Inspired Learning has serviced over 1,136.15 hours of Pro-Bono Hours of service to our learners and their families!

412 S Alder Ave, Yacolt, WA 98675

IL’s Little Free Library Charter #139922 Inspiring Readers of all ages. Inspired Learning is a non-profit tutoring service and area bookshop. As retired teachers, it is our hope to get into the hands of our community inspiring books that will inspire, ignite, and create the joy, hope, and the wonder of reading. We are growing life-long learners!

Used books are always welcomed! We are appreciative of your gently used books for all ages. Donations are accepted on any Friday (4:30-6:30) or Saturday (12-2:00):

412 S Alder Ave, Yacolt, WA.

As a nonprofit bookshop… used books are a great way for you to support our services. Gently used titles will find a home on our bookshop shelves. Well loved books will find a new home from our Little Free Library cart.

Used books that are not donated for resale… are always finding a home in our community of readers!
Thanks to donors like AD, our learners… our community… and our services reaches beyond our doors!